Nica C.
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Excerpt30March2008,12:50am – Ultimate Bonding Expe...


An ICS-y encounter


21March2008, 7:45pm: Face to Face with the Moon

Excerpt20March2008,11:00pm: Fecalysis, High School...

time again

pagbigyan nyo na'ko

WPI 111

i love items no. one,two,three,five,seven,ten,elev...


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: Excerpt30March2008,2:00pm – Ultimate Bonding/Baging Experience (UBE) Day 2




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Monday, March 31, 2008

Excerpt30March2008,2:00pm – Ultimate Bonding/Baging Experience (UBE) Day 2

Excerpt30March2008,2:00pm – Ultimate Bonding/Baging Experience (UBE) Day 2

This morning when I heard my cellphone ringing for alarm, I forgot why I se it that early. So, as expected, I ignored it completely and turned it off. I was supposed to jog first before hiking to Flatrocks, right? But then, the exhaustion caused by yesterday’s UBE with Ja made me forgot my to-do’s. Good thing Ja knocked at my door noisily that I was able to get up just in time for us to meet her friends who will be joining us. We were seven all in all.

It was so nice to pick up the pieces of friendship ones again. All the while I thought that I have thrown away the good things we shared in those numerous Friendship Days last year. All the while I thought that I’ve wasted another important person just because of crammed up time and poor communication. But all the while I was wrong for thinking that it can’t be saved at all.

Our second day of Ultimate Bonding Experience turned out to be an Ultimate Baging Experience. Yep. Baging. As in the one used by Tarzan, the king of the jungle. So each of us played as his Jane, except for the two younger boys with us. I don’t know whose role they have played. The monkey’s perhaps?

Being swept away above the other plants in that slope while clinging in that baging was indeed awesome! I kept on shouting my lungs out to relieve the nervousness accumulating in my chest. I shouted and laughed. And flew. Three times. And I’m telling you, it really felt great!

We continued our hike up to Flatrocks. It was not hard at all to go there as compared to my first climb (with Jhomar and his classmates and teacher in SoSc1) way back when I was still a freshman. We did not follow the same trail. What we took this time was the easier one, not because most of us are girls but simply because we wanted to save time.

It was not the same old Flatrocks that my eyes have seen years ago. The water was now shallower. The whole place has changed. The coldness of water remained as is however.

We enjoyed the water. Took a cold, fresh and organic bath while smiling and posing from time to time for pictures.



6:32 PM

