Nica C.
Kuya Kd


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time again

pagbigyan nyo na'ko

WPI 111

i love items no. one,two,three,five,seven,ten,elev...

the funny, the funnier and the funniest

excerpt11March2008, 12:45am

a few minutes after 3am

the green tea, the silver heater and the white witch

sa mga nagtatanong

the four poems


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: Excerpt20March2008,11:00pm: Fecalysis, High School vs. College, No Name Dropping




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Excerpt20March2008,11:00pm: Fecalysis, High School vs. College, No Name Dropping

Excerpt20March2008,11:00pm: Fecalysis, High School vs. College, No Name Dropping

Yesterday, everything went perfectly fine, except for my headache which started when I was preparing the things that I would be needing for fecalysis (ZOO173-lab). Good thing vacant ako ng one and a half hours before the subject. I bought everything to be bought. That’s when my headache started. The sun was so cruel. Ang sakit talaga sa ulo kapag lumabas sa tanghali. Tapos nangangarag na ako kung anong uunahin. Nagtetext si **** kung naglunch na raw ba ako tapos si *** naman nagtetext na nata*** na raw sya. Si *** kasi ang kinunan ko ng fecal sample. Pano mo ma-eenjoy ang lunch kung alam mo na habang kumakain ka, somebody is performing an elimination process and that in a matter of minutes you will be dealing with those eliminated wastes?!

Nevertheless, **** and I had our lunch mindlessly. Because if we did not, we probably have collapsed during that three-hour laboratory exercise which we realized was unexpectedly and exceptionally exhausting.

In high school, we (Parasitology Elective Class) performed the same lab work. We were handled by Ms. ***** (now Mrs. ******) my all-time favorite teacher. I did not encounter the problem of obtaining fecal samples at that time because ***** and ***** managed to get some from the children who were digging our trashes from those compost pits of the school backyard.

Way back, we only had our gas masks. No lab gowns, no gloves, no formalin. Not even a laboratory. We just used the spare room beside the Chemistry Faculty Office. Instead of formalin, we used salt solution which of course did not lessen the stink even a bit. We had our test tubes and stirring rods, slides, coverslips and the freshly obtained fecal material, which as I can remember, was almost watery and oh, so disgustingly foul that the gas masks we were wearing became of no use. I always have to go outside that room to breathe some fresh air and to go back inside either to face the yucky test tubes or to steal a glance from *******. Uhh..that was years ago.

I wasn’t able to mount any parasite egg because I got so impatient with the smell. I just told Ms. ***** that the stool was parasite-free even though I was sure that Ascaris and other species alike were thriving inside the unknown subject’s intestines knowing the kind of environment they were in. I had no choice. In fact, I almost threw up before the exercise was even halfway finished.

On the other hand, the fecalysis yesterday didn’t cause me a lot of trouble (in terms of smell) because we have used formalin and we were wearing the proper lab attires. But throughout the exercise, my headache persisted. Good thing one of our classmate’s smiles made **** and I so silly that caused me to forget about my headache from time to time.

I wasn’t able to spot some parasite eggs this time as well. Nobody in the class did, anyway. And besides, *** was my subject, surely she would not be harboring any parasites in her intestines, would she?



3:42 PM

