Nica C.
Kuya Kd


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it was 450cc of blood!!


at last...

Rise of a Bummer

Wednesday na naman!!

Another Wednesday Flipper



Law of Attraction

this should not be empty


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: Excerpt12Oct2009: "Welcome aboard!" says the Graduate School..




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Monday, October 12, 2009

Excerpt12Oct2009: "Welcome aboard!" says the Graduate School..

Excerpt12Oct2009: "Welcome aboard!" says the Graduate School..

The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and ends up writing another. -James Matthew Barrie

When i woke up this morning, i thought that everything would be the same as the past week of my successful bumming career. Supposed to be it was..since i had no immediate concern to attend to outside the comfort of my room. Everything aside from continuously reading "The Time Traveler's Wife" could be taken cared of tomorrow or on the next days or weeks. Lying contented, i continued reading attentively about the time traveling business of the characters, and all the while unmindful that my own time has gone by with every page i flipped..and again, it was already past noon.

I halfheartedly let go of the book and pushed myself to take a bath, which gave me a clearer head afterwards. I decided to go around the campus and take some sneak peaks of whoever's whatabouts. Intentionally though, there was only one person i was interested to pay a visit.

So i stepped my way towards that very familiar office and luckily found Dr. R free of any appointments. Unsure of what i was to tell her, i opened the door and greeted her with a smile. She smiled back warmly and was not able to hide the enthusiasm on her opening line, "Kumusta?inlove na inlove ka o!" It was evident that she's teasing me. I just dismissed the approaching intrigue attack by saying "Ma'am naman.." half-childishly. She asked me to take a sit and when i did, the series of questions about my career were thrown at me..options were laid..but at the end of the list, i was given the only profitable choice which i had to take if i really wanted to be her again and become her apprentice.

Several phone calls were made which took about 15 minutes all in all. She said she was fast-tracking everything. I was told to go to the Graduate School and i did..still shocked about the quick-spinned decision i made.

What am i getting into? I asked my confused self. And on the short walking time on my way to GS, my stomach tighten into a knot remembering all the horrors of being a student stuck inside a classroom with the noise of the lesson ringing mercilessly inside and out of my solar system. Yes, it was very scary..and i almost stopped to return myself back away from the immediate situation..but it needed to be faced and im not turning back that soon. I consoled myself that if i really needed to escape from it, i will be able to. It has always been the case anyway; spotted: shara getting out of her own mess!

The GS dean, Dr. Z, was very considerate and as supportive as Dr. R. He gave me an overview of the processing of my very very very late application (the deadline was actually three and a half months ago). The bottomline, i have to talk to the head of Microbiology Division and ask her to evaluate my papers as soon as it arrive so that i can make it on the first day of classes on November 9..yes, it's that soon.

It would have been easier if the MCBD Head was not Dr. V..but she is. Dr. R said that i have no choice but to talk to Dr. V. Holy cow! The dreadful MCB130 days flashed inside my head..and they were still dreadful..and the worst was the Kanamycin scandal..

"Nagsayang ka na nga, mali pa ginawa mo..ang mahal pa naman ng Kanamycin.." I wasn't on my right self that day. She shouldn't have used that very insulting tone because it made me hate her as much as i hated my BIO120lect teacher. Not contented, she twisted the knife a little deeper by adding, "Magbasa nga kayo ng manual bago pumasok, kasi walang silbi e..sana di nyo nalang pinaphotocopy.." Right. I shouldn't have photocopied that cursed manual. I never brought it to classes anyway.

On my way to Dr. V's office, i tried rehearsing some humble yet convincing lines but decided to stop because i know i wouldn't be able to say it when i came face to face with her. I concentrated on calming myself instead.

It was just an hour since i left my room and yet a whole new lot was laid for me..and it was more than what i can much that i have forgotten that i still had not eaten lunch yet..but feeling hungry was the least priority in that moment.

I reached Dr. V's office and upon seeing me, she smiled broadly, "Oh, Shara!" Ah, she remembered of course..her beloved source of error during MCB130lab experiments. Argh. It was now or next year. I chose now.

I started by greeting her "Hi Ma'am!"..and i took the sear she offered. Honestly, i was so surprised by her kind welcome. And due to that surprise, confusion, shock and yes, excitement, words stumbled out of me. She didn't understand my first incoherent try. She told me to breathe first and then explain calmly. So i did. And oh dear! I got her approval with all the smile! She said that the GS could process my application and I will be evaluated as soon as the papers arrive at MCBD. I sincerely thanked her then headed for the door and just then another teacher entered, smiled and blurted out..

Dr. L: Shara! Sa BIOTECH ka pa??
Shara: Um..hindi na po..katatapos lang po ng contract.
Dr. L: Aaah..o kumusta? kumusta lovelife? kumusta kayo ni ***? kwento naman!
Shara: Uhh..hehe ma'am time..palagi naman na ata akong nandito ulit e..

Whew! How can they be so interested with my half-private life? Oh well..i committed myself with him..and commitment to intrigues followed. He's such a star. Tsk. No worries. Nothing i can't handle so far.

I came back to Dr. R's office and gave her the form which she would have to accomplish to seal that i'll be her apprentice and she'll be my mentor. It was so cool. To think that i have dreamt of being like her someday. Here's my stepping stone, though it won't be very easy for me. The next five months will surely feel like hell but i believe that i'll get by. I won't let myself fall out of stress.

The world is tough, but i know im tougher..and soon, i'll have my own name to be more proud of.

"Welcome aboard!" says the Graduate School..



8:53 PM

