Nica C.
Kuya Kd


August 2004

September 2004

October 2004

November 2004

March 2005

May 2005

August 2005

September 2005

November 2005

February 2006

March 2006

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December 2006

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November 2008

December 2008

January 2009

February 2009

March 2009

August 2009

September 2009

October 2009

November 2009

December 2009

a dream almost come true..


unang init ng ulo sa bagong taon.

i hate new years..

para sa mga friends ko..

Pacquiao and the 14 Love Stories

Excerpt03Dec2008: Adjusted time.

1st day of December


Excerpt23Nov2008: I have my own way of saving lives.


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: calming a hot-headed cat..




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Monday, January 05, 2009

calming a hot-headed cat..

calming a hot-headed cat..

"reposting??yeah, that's the best thing that you can do right now.." sabi ng isa kong friend kanina..kasi ang hirap talagang walang kausap..

yeah..i know..almost exactly like this irrational feeling na naman..

hayy..i'll be fine later..sana..

this is a re-post from one of my blog entries last sept2008.

I can still feel the dryness in my throat despite the glass of water that i hurriedly emptied the moment i reached my room. The hard palpitations in my chest still brings the rest of my muscles into a painfully tensed state. I know my eyes are so furious now, exposing this weak spot of my being. I’m taking in air into my lungs so forcefully as if i’m having a severe asthma attack. Breathing in..breathing out..trying to be relaxed..but the tension persists.

The quick shower i just had did nothing to soothe the heat that incessantly exudes out of my’s as if instead of water, the glass that i just knocked out contained a hard drink. Not only my hands but also my feet are unhealthily cold, they pierce. The music now playing in the background does not help, to think that it’s one of my favorites! Oh, world. Thanks for that stinging sarcasm.

The mirror beside me reflects my untamed side. This is a harsh case of illogically impaired and uncontrolled emotions. Indeed, calming myself down is a terribly complicated and awfully mind-numbing task..that after running a comb through my hair, my only wish now is just to forget everything and be dead for a while.



11:15 PM

