Nica C.
Kuya Kd


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may day eve

‘pag nabasa mo’to at nagkita tayo, kunwari nalang ...

PI100: Si Rizal nga ba ay isang tunay na bayani?

"he's so hot, i want to take a bite"

pasaway na guro

yesterday vs. today


excerpt17April08: How I started the first day of s...

NY Nights and I


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: Excerpt02May2008,5:40pm




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Monday, May 05, 2008



My day was a little bit twisted. Hmmm. It was a little off the usual beat, shall we say that?

This morning, the bright sun, while taking its might ride above, didn’t give a hoot or whatsoever to one mindless creature still curled up and rolling in her bed.

The fresh air told me that it will be a mercifully pressureless day. I checked my phone to be sure of the omen. And alas! No message or note from the demanding ones! A good omen indeed. It was going to be a lucky day! I allowed myself to pretend some more that I was still sleeping.

It was already 9:30am when I finally got out of my bed and started my daily morning personal chores. My life suddenly went out of my grasp the moment I got out of the dorm. Exaggerated?? Maybe.

Strike 1:

I have no idea what possessed me when I decided to take that short cut thru the freedom park on my way to my class. I stopped walking down that path since the start of the preparation for the graduation because that “strip of road” was “closed”. But I noticed that the residents of this part of the campus proved to have this gene for making a trail just like what ants do. And I, being unusually stubborn this morning, decided to go down the freedom park via that “ant trail” which is two and a half meters long, 65°inclined, and ruthlessly slippery even though it’s dry. The soil is not yet compact in that area, that’s why.

I took the first step down. I felt the sandy soil behind my slippers. It was okay. On the second step, s***!, I took the plunge. The trail rejected my weight and let me slide from that spot all the way butt taking all the punishment. No joke, it was awful.

Being born physically weak (not even able to run until college), I avoided those kinds of unfortunate events since time immemorial. That’s why I wasn’t able to enjoy my childhood running with playmates. As a child I would rather kill my time staring at the television, reading books, writing my name or anyone’s, playing lego, puzzles, bricks and the likes. No, I’m not that geeky isolated type. It’s just that even then, I hate encounters with morons. I just contended myself with those stuffs that one would likely think that I will not reach my tenth year without an eyeglass. Whoever thought so, as I can say, is definitely wrong because in the next few days I’ll be turning 21 and my eyes are still almost-20-20.

As I remember, my last slide happened during my first time to Flatrocks where the trail was still muddy and slippery. You can’t blame me for that one. And besides, lucky told me to slide so I nga lang, on my butt..the instruction was to slide on foot.

It almost felt nice to slide once again this morning. I was even laughing when I picked myself up. I looked around to check on who was around. No one. Thanks God. I told you, it was my lucky day.

Strike 2:

Since I was not able to check my email this day, I didn’t read the announcement in PI100 about our class (actually it was not a class, tell you about it later) to be held in the DL Umali steps.

I went to our classroom and, remember the guy who laughs like hell??, he was there too. He didn’t know about the change of classroom as well. Then, a bit later, one of my classmates came up and told us to go to DL Umali steps. Mind you, it was like seven inches from the sun outside. The heat can readily burn anyone’s skin.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have my umbrella with me and the guy who laughs like hell had a big one with him. I had no choice but to ask him to share his umbrella with me otherwise I’ll end up like a grilled potato. As expected I forced myself to encourage a little chitchat on our way just for me to look not so impolite.

Hay…lucky day, wasn’t it??


PI100. Rizal bilang bata.

Run. Jump. Limbo rack. Jump. Sack race. Answer a question, if wrong then sing, if correct then proceed. Strike the can three meters ahead with a slipper, if missed then sing, otherwise, proceed. Modified piko. Luksong baka. Walk with paperplates between the legs, arms and neck. Push the matchbox using the eggplant tied in the waist. Look for the chocolate in plate of flour. Eat the chocolate. Run towards the start. Then next player’s turn to pass that ruthlessly incredible obstacle course.

Did Rizal really play those games?? I shall know on Monday. S***! I do not regret not being able to run like a madman when I was younger.

I thought I’ll have lesser trouble in crossing that course since I am, as I can confidently say, improving physically lately. But hell!! I realized that I can’t jump an inch (curse that luksong-baka part, where I became the next to biggest laughing stock ever!!), I can’t control my feet in pushing that darn stone in the modified piko station, I can’t bend backwards, I can’t do the eggplant thing (which everyone thought was fun but it was definitely not, it was where I sweated like a pig), I can’t bear the taste of raw flour, I can’t even remember the tune of Ako ay may Lobo.

Darn. Am I that old??

No, no, no,’s just that I didn’t spend my childhood that way.

We ranked 2nd anyway.

Still a lucky day??

Of course. After that tragedy, I let myself have chocolates for compensation.



3:37 PM

