Nica C.
Kuya Kd


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Lingual mutants

here we go again..



on ur 18th year...


elavation,fog,rain,sweat,buko juice....mudspring!

don't talk to strangers!

new advnture to begin 2nd sem!!!


This site is Reishin's,
and©Night Frost,
layout made by: Dita


audentes fortuna juvat: Facts:




Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines

usually first impression s'kin mataray,masungit and the likes..uhm,sad to say totoo un kc hndi ako msyadong sociable unless there's something in one person that i really ng mga close s'kin good listener dw ako but i think im better in ignoring what they are saying pero when i feel n kylangn mo tlga ng mkikinig sau game ako lalo n kung nkakarelate ako s topic mo..'yoko s mga self-proclaimed..those who say a lot 'bout themselves (who cares 'bout them,anyway?) hehehe..trip ko mga humorous kc moody ako..another thing 'bout me is ung temper ko..uhm,it's always at the edge, u knw what i mean..if u nid 2 knw more basahin mo mga testi s'kin kc im sure they say a lot of things 'bout me.. :]

Sunday, September 10, 2006



After the tedious summer schedule, classes had opened and the usual things happened. New schedule. New subjects. New teachers. New classmates. And it was supposedly new Shara. Heck! Yes. I changed. A lot. From an almost diligent to a super delinquent one. Goodness! I’m supposed to be thinking about being a cum laude and working on it. Well, I think life’s really like this. When you decided that something has to be improved, hell comes.

Ei. I already have a bulleted journal. Might as well apply that here.

Okay. Start?

The simplest life I chose has been revolving to the following things, activities, feelings, etc. and I’m telling you, it’s pretty heck boring. I’ll be starting with those that I haven’t written here since time immemorial until..hmmm..1st sem is almost I’ll be including my predictions, I think that would be fair, right?

Haggard Activities: these are what make you thinner and make you look older than your present age. And I really hate it! Another thing..these activities are inconsiderably recurring. Hayyy!!!

Endless submission of scientific papers for Bio150
‘nother endless submission of nonsense paper in Bot3 (both lect and lab!!!!) how ruthless!!!
Reaction papers in different topics (can I just react orally???!)
Hairfall..i’m getting paranoid about that..i never dreamed of seeing myself as a bald woman…naaaaahhh!!!!
3-4 hr sleep….hmmmm…that was before when I was still busy preparing things that I found later just pathetically for example, quizzes, and those papers mentioned above.
5-10-min naps during has, im doing it for almost the whole time during class!!
Tutorial job. I thought it was exciting but now I do not feel the same way as know me..and besides, I have the right to be bored. I haven’t received any salary yet. Is that what you call a job??
SAMAPI GA>>>I’m beginning to think that I was really dumb for deciding to join that organization. Hope that after the coming acquaintance party, I’ll be changing my mind about being inactive next sem.
Severe attacks of ML syndrome…know what that is?? Uuhhh… give you a clue.. _ _ _ _ _ _ g _ _ _ _ _ r _ Syndrome… it sometimes kill me.
MY GIRL Addiction…kilig moments are not to be missed..
Exams…imagine me having two long hell weeks!!! It was last August..midterms..and I was very lucky to have passed the Stat1 midterms to think that I haven’t studied that time because I prioritized the Chem40 Exam and Practical Test.
Field think I enjoyed them??? Big NOOO NOOOs!!!
This occurred lately..constipation..indigestion..whatever..basta digestive problem.
Movie Marathon. Hindi ‘to haggard. Promise. Grabe lang sa puyat.
Nonsense text messages. Do they think that they are not disturbing me? Can’t they think again?

080706: Bot3 1st Lab Exam sucked! You think I’ll pass the cursed subject?? It seemed easy but for a person like me who LLOOOOOVVVEESS PPPLLLLAAANNNNTTSSSS very much….grrrrr… think again! The exam, the teacher, the classmates gave me ten more reasons to hate plants…

081806: Pamy have called him this afternoon. (She’s got this weird habit of dialing his number whenever she has an unlimited call.) Just the thought of having him in the other line of the phone makes my heart palpitate, dunno if it was skipping or what, basta the same weird thing like when I was in high school. high school..duhhh…im behaving like a little dumb girl…creepy.. kahit hindi ako ung may hawak nung phone. They talked about, wait…malay ko..Nga pala, Pamy was using my phone when she called him. I thought he doesn’t know my number but when Pamy asked him about it, well, he does. No. I’m not missing you. rbml :c

September: I’m experiencing a severe case of Pisay Syndrome. It was proven. No doubt. I always came late to class and spend the whole time either talking to my seatmates, or just letting my head float to nowhere, or simply sleeping. I can already go against my conscience and just let the deadlines pass. Even the deadliest ones. I haven’t passed my papers. And I’m flunking my exams not to mention my binary scores to quizzes. 0,1. I even got 0 in one of my long quizzes. The totality: I’m a failure. Thank you.

Sir Mojica has left. To Kansas University. That was distressing because it has added a little factor why I find it harder to go to class to BioSci lately. Drama? Hehehe. Dati I always hoped to catch a glimpse of him every time I was in IBS kahit alam ko na maliit lang ung probability kasi we both have classes. But now it was different. Knowing na wala na talaga s’ya…nakakalungkot. He’s taking his PhD. I know he’ll be doing fine. Matalino s’ya eh. I just wish pagbalik n’ya kilala pa n’ya ung Shara na takot sa palaka. :’c

Nga pala, I’m losing another friend. First, it was Cring, though nag-uusap pa rin kami ngayon pero hindi na katulad nung dati. Ngayon, si Danes naman. Hindi na kami nag-uusap eh. Hindi ko na nga alam kung kelan nagsimula. Basta it just happened. Alam mo naman ako, have a poor memory regarding those matters. Kung nandito pa kaya si MJ will I be losing her just the same? Buti nandyan lang si Pamy.

Prediction: There are just two things that may actually happen. Either to continue my current delinquency or to think..huhuhu.. I can feel my gray matter deteriorating. Bit by bit. Every time I sleep to class. Even every time I yawn. Every time I fail a quiz. Every time I shake hands with another SAMAPI Member. It’s in our nature. To fail at the end because of too much self-confidence. Too bad. I must be thinking about what would happen if I let myself sink. No. I won’t bother thinking. Because I wouldn’t let it happen. I will not sink. Period.

This is long enough. Can’t consume more time. I’m already out of it.

I’m missing my carefree life. I guess I won’t be able to bring it back again. Just like the old times I lost.



3:45 AM

